At the beginning of October, the SQL Server 2017 was officially released. A few days later after the official announcement I wanted to install it in my virtual environment to take a look at newest features. During SQL Server 2017 installation I faced “Oracle JRE 7 Update 51 (64-bit) or higher is required for Polybase” error and I was not able to proceed. Continue reading “SQL Server 2017 – Oracle JRE 7 Update 51 (64-bit) or higher is required for Polybase”
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QuickQuestion: When Stored Procedure break execution on error?
QuickQuestion series is a series of short posts in which I answer database related questions asked by my colleagues, friends, and co-workers, mainly application developers.
Today’s question:
When Stored Procedure break execution on error?
Continue reading “QuickQuestion: When Stored Procedure break execution on error?”
Share it:QuickQuestion: Does Stored Procedure rollback on error?
QuickQuestion series is a series of short posts in which I answer database related questions asked by my colleagues, friends and co-workers, mainly application developers.
Today’s question:
Does Stored Procedure rollback on error?
Continue reading “QuickQuestion: Does Stored Procedure rollback on error?”
Share it:XE Profiler – the new feature available in SSMS v17.3
At the end of September during Microsoft Ignite event Microsoft announced new SQL Server 2017. On this conference, Bob Ward (b|t) a Principal Architect for the Microsoft Database Systems Group delivered a great session titled: Experience Microsoft SQL Server 2017: The fast and the furious. In 70 minutes he led us into the amazing world of SQL Server 2017 features. During this presentation he used a preview version of SQL Server Management Studio v17.3 and did a quick demo of XE Profiler – one of the new features (youtube).
Few days ago I had a great opportunity to play with SSMS v17.3 (build 14.0.17199.0) and I want to describe you how the XE Profiler works. Continue reading “XE Profiler – the new feature available in SSMS v17.3”
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