That is unbelievable! Exactly two years ago I published my first post on this blog (OK, to be 100% correct, that was the second one but we all can agree that the “Hello World” post doesn’t count). At that time, I had no idea how it would develop, but I knew one thing. I wanted to share my knowledge with others. I wanted to learn new things and then pass it to others curious and hungry for knowledge Database Specialist!
How did it start?
I always was finding database related blogs as a great and free source of professional knowledge. Especially when we talk about Microsoft SQL Server. This product has so amazing community around created by such exceptional people. I really wanted to be a part of it. I wanted to give others at least a fraction of what I was getting.
I didn’t have any previous experience with blogging. I never had before any web page. I never wrote publicly. The only things I had for sure were my concerns… A lot of concerns…
The turning point for me was when I discovered SQL New Blogger Challenge idea. I didn’t participate in this event but with all that positive energy hidden behind it, I decided to give my blogging a try. I’ve bought some hosting and installed WordPress. I had to spend a few days to decide on its first look and also to learn some WordPress platform mechanics. All of that was new for me.
I published first post, second, third, and even fourth… Then the crisis came. I had a few months break. I was not able to motivate myself to write new posts. I had ideas however I had no energy to do it. Nevertheless, I didn’t completely give up. Around one year ago I found again my lost motivation. I started to write and publish posts more and more regularly…
How it looks now?
Now I’m trying to publish one post per week. This is my New Years resolution. I know that I won’t make this goal in 2018, but for sure I’m closer this achievement than a year ago.
For these two years, 40 posts have been published on this blog. 39 were written by me and 1 was written by my colleague – Miłosz. The blog was visited over 40 000 times. Especially during the last year, I get more and more visits each month.
That’s the great feeling when you see that my hard work and time spent is not wasted. It makes me happy and gives me the energy to work on some new posts and other projects.
Thank you!
First of all, I want to thank my wonderful wife that supports me for all that time and who patiently tolerates all the hours I spent in front of the computer. Honey, you’re the best!
Secondly, I would like to thank all of you, my dear readers. Without you, I wouldn’t create this blog and I wouldn’t be so motivated to create new content. Thank you!
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